1. What are out critical outcomes ?
  2. What are the most critical areas to document ?
  3. Discussion on Architecture and Requirements
  4. Timelines / Milestones ?
  5. What needs to be ported, who and when ?

Notes during the meeting:

Architecture Diagram to start with:

  session manager able to configure dsp?

   open/ proprietary networkmanager separate!

  external (zephyr/autosar) devices reserve/create ressource

  Gateway/Portal handling ressource/ACL management. Returning ressource URI  (socket or network endpoint)


1) client connects using (no / invalid) token

2) service reacts with refusal and ID/Link to authority

3) client connects to authority

4) authority grants token

5) client connects to service w/ new token

6) service checks token with authority

7) authority verifies token

8) access granted

→ similar / equal to oauth/openID mechanism

Summary #1:

Session Manager first.
